
Quotes of the Day 09-02-2010

via Shakesville by Melissa McEwan on 2/8/10

"We don't work with a lot of women on our films. When I do work, it's always one woman and a bunch of men in my casts—maybe my character has a friend in the script, but not always. It's odd. So on this film, it was great to have someone like Jessica around, even though most of our scenes as best friends were over the phone."

"And do you find this true, Jennifer? I know I do: You never really bond with all the guys in your cast like they do with each other."

—Jennifer Garner and Jessica Biel, on their scenes together in the new film Valentine's Day, in the new issue of Marie Claire, the cover of which, in addition to featuring Garner and Biel, informs us that "PRETTY IS BACK!" and advertises a "must-read" article entitled: "I agreed to a threesome for my husband's birthday."

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