
Inspired by Shoes | I Scrap, U Scrap

A couple weeks ago, I bought a new pair of sandals and ever since then I’ve been obsessed with turning the accents on them into an embellishment.

(Aren’t they cute?)

Last night I decided it was time to experiment. Turns out, it’s really easy!


1. Choose double-sided patterned paper and punch four circles from it. (If you don’t have a circle punch, do what I did last night—just trace around a drinking glass and cut out with scissors.)

2. Sprinkle a little bit of water onto each circle to make it easier to bend the paper.

3. Gently fold each circle in half, and then in half again. You don’t want to crease the paper—instead curve it to give the folds dimension.

4. Set the folded pieces somewhere to dry. As they dry, they will stick in the shape you folded them in. You can either hold the accents in that shape as they dry or stick a pencil or pen in one of the folds to hold everything in place. (I ended up with a couple accents that dried really quickly and a couple that took longer. Since I was getting impatient waiting for them to dry, I used my blow dryer on a low, warm setting to help them along.)

5. Once the accents are dry, you can start playing! I did reinforce the shape with an adhesive dot holding down some of the folds.

I used my accents to create a really quick flower for a thinking-of-you card.


SOURCES Cardstock: Archivers. Patterned paper: October Afternoon. Rub-ons: Black River Designs. Brad: BoBunny Press.

Posted via web from scrapbook

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